See below from USCIS. It is likely that any comprehensive immigration reform proposals will include some kind of mandatory sign-up in E-Verify…..
E-Verify Connection
March 2011
Issue 2
Welcome to E-Verify Connection, an e-newsletter from United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. Each issue will bring you updates about E-Verify's advances and activities. A pdf version of E-Verify Connection is available online.
What's Hot in E-Verify
E-Verify Scores High on Customer Satisfaction
E-Verify earned an exceptionally high score in the 2010 American Customer Satisfaction Index (ASCI). E-Verify's overall score of 82 far surpassed the federal government's score of 69. E-Verify Customer Support scored 89. Other key findings are that the overwhelming majority of users are likely to recommend and continue using E-Verify, and are confident in E-Verify's accuracy. You can read the ASCI survey report online.
One New Card Authorizes Two Benefits
On February 11, 2011, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services began issuing a card that authorizes both employment and travel authorization. This card is issued to those who file applications to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status (Form I-485). This card is an acceptable employment authorization and identity document for Form I-9. See our website for more information.
Now Available! Revised Handbook for Employers
The revised M-274 Handbook for Employers: Instructions for Completing I-9, released on January 5, 2011, has updated instructions for completing Form I-9, useful information about documents, and more guidance.
Download your free copy.
E-Verify Existing Users...A New Webinar for You!
The free live webinar designed for E-Verify users has been updated to include a discussion about immigration-related hiring practices that are common triggers for Department of Justice investigations. The E-Verify for Existing Users webinar includes advanced reviews of new features, Form I-9 and tentative non-confirmations. USCIS also offers free E-Verify Overview, Federal Contractor E-Verify, and Form I-9 webinars.
Just go to our website and register for the webinar of your choice.
GAO Cites E-Verify Improvements
A new
Government Accountability Office (GAO) report
analyzed 2009-2010 E-Verify data and reported significant improvements, such as a 5.4% decrease in tentative non-confirmations (TNCs), better safeguards for securing employee information, and improvements in monitoring employers' compliance.
Higher Worker Authorization Rates
In fiscal year 2010, E-Verify automatically confirmed 98.3% of employees as authorized to work instantly or within 24 hours—an increase of nearly one percent over the previous year.
See the updated statistics online at E-Verify Statistics and Reports.
E-Verify Testifies
On Feb 10, 2011, USCIS Associate Director for Enterprise Services Theresa Bertucci testified before Congress about E-Verify. Read the Testimony.
Why Don't They Use E-Verify?
An independent study of E-Verify non-users, The Practices and Opinions of Employers Who Do Not Participate in E-Verify, reported that more than half of all employers have not yet heard of E-Verify, and many others have misconceptions about the program. Learn the facts about E-Verify – it's free, it's easy, and users rate it highly.
¿Ha visto "The Reporter"?
La edición de invierno 2010 de "The Reporter", boletίn de SSA/IRS para los empleadores y patronos, tiene un artίculo informativo acerca de E-Verify. Vea la página 4 de "The Reporter."
E-Verify Outreach
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services E-Verify experts will be available at the following events:
- Arizona Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) Conference
Phoenix, AZ March 2, 2011
- Health Care Benefit New York Show and Conference Expo
New York, NY March 7, 2011
- American Payroll Association Capital Summit
Washington, DC March 8, 2011
- Alliance Mid-Atlantic Small Business Procurement Fair
Atlantic City, NJ March 10, 2011
- SHRM Employment Law and Legislative Conference
Washington, DC March 14-16, 2011
- Greater New York Chamber of Commerce/Brooklyn Trade Show
Brooklyn, NY March 15, 2011
- Annual Reservation Economic Summit
Las Vegas, NV March 16-17, 2011
- Aerospace & Defense Contract Management Conference
Glendale, AZ March 17-18, 2011
- New England Food Show
Boston, MA March 20-22, 2011
- Employers Association Employment Law Conference
Perrysburg, OH March 25, 2011
- College and University Professionals (CUPA)-HR Western Regional Conference
Lost Pines, TX March 27-29, 2011
- National Small Business Contracting Week Summit
Washington, DC March 29 – 31, 2011
- American Council of Engineering Companies Convention
Washington, DC March 29-April 1, 2011