On July, 1, 2009, ICE issued a notice that 652 businesses nationwide are being served with audit notices.
WASHINGTON - "U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is launching a bold, new audit initiative today by issuing Notices of Inspection (NOIs) to 652 businesses nationwide - which is more than ICE issued throughout all of last fiscal year. The notices alert business owners that ICE will be inspecting their hiring records to determine whether or not they are complying with employment eligibility verification laws and regulations." ICE, July 1, 2009.
Companies that get these notices should promptly involve counsel, BEFORE producing any I-9's for ICE. ICE is seeking to impose heavy fines for technical paperwork violations, e.g. $800 per I-9 form where there is a signature/date/check box that was missed. This may be resolved/negotiated but there is no question that ICE is stepping up enforcement. Perhaps ICE wants to give "notice" that this will become an issue as part of immigration reform?